Iwata Sensei teachers
This is the lineage of Iwata sensei's Iaido school
- Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto Shigenobu
(1542 – 1621) Regarded as the founder of Iaido because of his overwhelming influence on the art. He was a religious man and while praying to Hayashi Myojin in the village of Hayashizaki he claims to have had a revelation concerning the sword arts. He names his school the Shimmei Muso Ryu.
- Tamiya Heibei Sigemasa
(Late 1500’s) A stuDent of Jinsuke and others. He was the sword teacher to the first three Tokugawa Shoguns. He founded the Tamiya Ryu.
- Nagana Muraku Kinrosai
(dates uncertain) A military man and student of first Jinsuke and then Tamiya. He developed Iai as a major part of the curriculum of the Muraku Ryu, which he founded in his own right.
- Momo Gembei Mitsushige
(dates uncertain)
- Arikawa Shozaemon Munetsugu
(dates uncertain)
- Banno Danemon no ju Nobusada
dates uncertain) Regarded as an important influence on subsequent headmasters.
- Hasegawa Chikaransuke Eishin (a.k.a. HiDenobu)
A very important influence on the style being responsible for devising the Eishin Ryu set of forms. The performance of his forms was said to be muso (without equal). This word now forms part of the name of our Ryu.
- Arai Seitetsu Kiyonobu
(dates uncertain) This man taught in Edo (now Tokyo) after the departure of Eishin. He was thought to be a one time Ronin (masterless samurai).
- Hayashi Rokudaya Morimasa
(1661-1732) This man studied under Omori Rokurazaemon Masamitsu; Omori introduced him to a set of forms beginning from seiza. At a later date after returning to Tosa these forms were incorporated into what was then known as Tosa Iaijustsu.
- Hayashi Yasudaya Masanobu (Seisho)
(? – 1776) This man was the adopted son of Rokudaya.
- Oguro MotOemon Kiyokatsu
(? – 1790) This man had two highly skilled stuDents who developed their own styles. After his death, the Ryu split into two ha or branches named after these two students. The first of these men was known as Tanimura and his style was more closely associated with the Tosa Iaijustsu. The other man was known as Shimamura who introduced considerable changes.
The Tanimura branch
- Hayashi Masu mo ju Masamori
(? – about 1818) The great-grandson of Rokudaya.
- Yoda Manzai Yorikatsu
(? – 1809)
- Hayashi Yadayu Seiki Masayori (a.k.a. Matsutaka)
(? – 1823)
- Tanimura Kame no jo Yorikatsu (a.k.a Sugio)
(? – 1862) This man developed the Tanimura-ha.
- Goto Magobei Masasuke (a.k.a Seiryo)
(? – 1898) Along with Oe Masamichi this man made significant contributions to the art.
- Oe Masamichi (a.k.a Shikei)
These two men were both direct students of Oe sensei:
Shigehi Mori (1890-1988) and és
Takuji Yamamoto (1886-1977).
Norikazu Iwata (1913 – 2012)
Iwata sensei was a direct student of Shigehi Mori and Takuji Yamamoto and Fukui Harumasa.