Feel that you are in a very narrow space (practice with a wall on your left side).
Face shyomen.
Hold the sword with your left hand with the tsuka up as you walk forward right, left, right, left (1, 2, 3, 4).
On the fourth step, move the left foot parallel to the right with the toes of both feet pointing outward slightly.
Slowly draw the sword out of the saya directly up, being sure not to hit the wall with the saya or the sword.
Position the sword behind your head with both hands close together on the tsuka.
Kirioroshi and stop the sword down very low. At the same time, go up on your toes with the heels touching.
Do a small yoko chiburui with the kissaki down and stopping in front of your right foot, to the side of your right leg.
Noto by bringing your sword up high; bring the tsuka up high, pause slightly, then do a fast noto. Be sure to keep the saya straight back so as not to hit the wall.
When the sword has been lowered, you can then move the tsuka to the center of your body and lower your heels to the floor.